The AFL-CIO is asking union members to use its toll-free
1-800-393-1082, to call for congressional action to help the
140,000 aviation workers who have lost their jobs.
The notice request is in addition to the request to call
on that same line to oppose the fast track trade legislation.
Congress has worked on legislation to improve unemployment,
and job training benefits, but the spirit of bipartisanship that
permeated the drive for the airline bailout seems to be missing
here. The AFL-CIO believes the $3 billion version of the bill
supported by George W. Bush will not do the trick.
The AFL-CIO is asking you to tell your member of Congress to
support legislation to provide displaced aviation workers with
extended unemployment benefits, health care and training assistance
when they consider legislation to improve security at our nation's
If you prefer, the following link will allow you to send an
or fax to Congress: